26 September 2012

(Almost) Live from Mainz, it's the Old Catholic Synod 2012!

Starting tomorrow, I'll be attending the German Old Catholic 2012 synod in Mainz as a delegate. I'll also be posting via Blogger and Twitter on my own account in English and German. Follow @jlgrantham for my updates and personal views in English, and follow @altkatholisch for the official tweets in German that I'm posting together with other delegates. You can also follow the hash tag #aksynode2012 to get the full hashtag channel for the synod, or use the official Twitterwall at alt-katholisch.de.

The Old Catholic magazine Christen heute has an overview of the issues and resolutions to be discussed at the synod in German here. Some of the highlights: A resolution to change the name "Old Catholic" to "Christ Catholic" (like the Swiss Old Catholics always have been called); dropping the requirement for vicars to reside in the vicarages provided for them by the parish; revoking the electoral reform from the last synod that tried to make absentee balloting easier for diaspora parishes – but may have made things for worse for all the others; and some 53 other resolutions, some of which should prove to be quite controversial. All that and the election of the new diocesan standing committee, plus much praying, preaching, and postulating, some of which will even be in church.

For what it's worth, this is my fourth Old Catholic synod as a delegate, so I guess I'm going to end up chairing the Ways and Means Committee, if we had one, which we don't. (Sorry, American political joke there. Nevermind me.)

The synod runs from Thursday afternoon to Sunday midday – stay tuned here and on the links above for news and views from the synod from your friendly neighborhood armchair theologian and blowhard.

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